Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Can Money Really Make You Happy?

Just in case you had doubts as to how happy the super-rich such as Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Roman Abramovich really are, here's an Interesting radio program from NPR (National Public Radio) about whether or not money can really make you happy.

Just click on the 'Listen' button

Useful Vocabulary:

ruminate (v) = to think about something in a deep or philosophical manner

GDP = Gross Domestic Product = the total value of goods and services produced by a nation.

discourage (v) = to take hope away from, demoralize. Opposite of encourage.

huge = extremely large

vastly bigger = greatly, much more

lust after something = to strongly desire something. In general, the word lust by itself means physical sexual desire, but to lust after something means simply to want something very badly. Of course if you lust after SOMEBODY, then that is interpreted in a sexual way.

commute (v)(n) = to travel from home to work, or from work to home.

subsistence level (to just get by) = to just have enough money for basic needs.

tend to (v) = have a tendency to

hit rock bottom = reach the lowest possible point

subside (v) = to decrease

put the kids through college = common expression that means both paying for university education and all related expenses such as food, housing, books, etc.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Job Interviews

This is for my Lukoil Overeseas morning group, but others may find these links interesting as well:

25 Most Difficult Interview Questions. Great examples of tricky interview questions and advice on how to answer them

Job interview podcast from

You might want to take a look at some of the other podcasts on this site if you are interested in business related ESL materials.

Why Black Friday is Stupid in Russia

Ok, it's stupid not only in Russia, but in Europe, Asia or anywhere else except the United States. I'm really getting tire...